Friday, January 18, 2013

No Gender Yet

January 18, 2013 (16 weeks +?):

So Gus and I have been talking about our changing future and, yes, it still freaks us out, but not quite as much anymore. A few weeks ago around Christmas Gus exclaimed, “I want the baby to be here already!” Well, as the weeks have passed we both agree we’re glad baby is not here yet. You REALLY need these 9 months for mental prep!  Not to mention the classes you have to take. We used some Christmas money we were given for our birthing/lactation/child care classes that will be in April and May. One of the classes is actually on Gus’ birth day. How appropriate!

We’ve started reviewing our finances again… where else can we afford to cut our bills??? The fact that our cost-effective wood-pellet burning stove is out of commission has really been hurting us with electricity heating (our land lord brought us over 2 large space heaters instead of fixing the problem). So we’re wearing layers, but we’re still running those babies for a solid 5 hours/day on weekdays and more on weekends. So until the weather warms, our house isn’t going to magically get a new insulation or, from the looks of it, a new wood-pellet stove. So that’s out. We don’t have cable T.V. or internet so no worries there. My phone (a smartphone) seems to be a high cost, since we all know if you have a smartphone you need a data package (it’s actually required), which is where an extra $70/month was going… wholly shit! Okay, so I sucked it up and said I’ll use my upgrade to downgrade… crappy phone here I come! It’s all for the good of the baby though. Gus says cutting funds from beer is not truly an option, I can’t blame him. I loved having a beer or two after work pre-pregnancy days… now I look on longingly.

Today there is another appointment, the one that I thought would confirm or deny the results of “Intelligender.” Unfortunately, when I called and asked to make sure there would be an ultrasound last week the secretary said that they typically wait until 20 weeks! BOO… So yesterday I called up again to mention that my father from Florida would be visiting, and it would be extra special if we could do it early… Hmmm, did I just use my father’s presence to convince them to bump it up? Perhaps. She said it really depends on how much time the doctor has, but he should still come to hear the heart beat either way. 

So Pops came in with me, but alas… no ultrasound. The doctor said at the next appointment we’ll schedule one (does that mean the next appointment we won’t even have one?). Either way, it looks like I have to at LEAST wait until February 25. Geeze! The doctor also commented on my weight gain (post-big dinner last night), “I am glad you thoroughly enjoyed the holidays.” Gaining a total of 12 pounds wasn’t really expected, but here I am 12 pounds heavier than when I started this whole thing. He said next time he sees me he only wants me to have gained 2 or 3… No more goat cheese and crackers after work I guess!

I was also told I should really consider lifting less... He said it wasn't a punishment, but it sure does feel like it. I cut out all Snatch movements and the Jerk just this week. I am still using the Clean. My other strength based movements are still all in. I only bench once a week, so I haven't cut it out yet. Probably 3rd trimester.

16 weeks:

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