Thursday, May 30, 2013

Woah Momma!

The baby is now about 5.25 pounds and about 19 inches long. Today the doctor said her head was down. Woohoo! So that’s good news for my hopes of a “natural delivery.” He also made sure I knew the reality of when I would deliver, 15% chance of delivering early, 5% chance of an on time delivery and a whopping 80% chance of delivering late! My thoughts of having her early were nearly smashed except he said I was measuring big! Ah ha, there is hope… or maybe she is just going to be a BIG baby… more than likely she will be big and I will deliver late. Maybe we will have a July 4th baby after all? Next visit entails the group B strep test… ohhh ahhh. Actually, not that fun, but all ladies who are past 36 weeks need to test for it. If you are wondering what it is and why it’s tested can check out this link. I also discussed a few points in my birth plan more in depth. Specifically who will be in the delivery room. I really only want my husband in there (and of course the nursing staff and him), but I wanted to make that point clear. Too many people will just stress me out, and make me uncomfortable. I am sure I will be uncomfortable enough.

Gus and I enjoyed visiting with Anne, Jerry, and Lyndsey (who came down for the weekend as well), unfortunately, we got them all sick! We ate some great meals and enjoyed our down-time while we were there. We also saw the awesome playhouse they have been working on building for the grand kids.

We had fun kayaking at Shaver Lake and exploring the shores on Saturday. 
Shaver Lake (kayaking and Gus bouldering)

We both really liked hiking around King’s Canyon! Even though our hike was only 5 miles on flat terrain, just being surrounded by the great mountains is awe-inspiring.

On Tuesday Gus’ best friend, Trevor, and Trevor’s girlfriend, Esther, were passing back through from their Alaskan adventure and stayed with us. I cooked up a very nice vegetarian meal (mostly from our farm box) and after we were finished eating we forced them to show us a slide show of their pictures! It was good seeing them again before they move to the East Coast. 

Tonight we had a child care class (as a part of our labor class) that lasted about 2.75 hours. It was a good refresher for some things and taught us some things we never knew! To Gus' delight we bought the Moby wrap! Gus was trying it on and perfecting his wrapping technique with the toy baby in minutes!

The weather is supposed to get up to 101 this weekend… I plan on finding a place to swim for the majority of the day. We also have dinner plans with our friends Chris and Julia, who will be getting married in September! So exciting!

Woah Momma, look at that belly! I gained another pound, I have fully accepted that I gain a pound every week (32 total pounds… the doctor seems fine with it too):

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