Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby shower extravaganza!!!

May 2, 2013 (31.5 weeks)

What a great weekend!? On Friday night Anne (mother-in-law), her friends from home, Gus, Lyn, and I all met up for dinner in town before the “real” prep work of Saturday morning began for the BBQ. Gus and I woke up Saturday to clean more and set up. Soon after Anne was over helping with the decorations that Lyn had thought up (I am glad someone thought of decorations and theme). Anne and Lyn are both supporter of Martha Stewart and they regularly use ideas they see in magazines for their house and parties. We were covering tables, blowing up balloons, putting up handmade streamers, and generally organizing. Soon after Anne went back to Lyn’s to get ready Nancy and Robin (Anne’s friends) came over to help. They brought delicious salads over and helped with last minute details. 12:30 rolls around and people start making their way over. 

Gus was working on building a table for all of the food to go on for most of the morning. Anne and Jerry had brought beer over and so had Gus and I, so there was plenty of variety for the guests. Lyn came over at about 12:45, toting with her several appetizers, and a well-organized sunflower cupcake display! Gus was manning the two grills (vegetarian grill and meat grill) for a solid hour or more. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves and all of the great food we had. The amount of generosity and thoughtfulness of all the gifts we got was truly overwhelming for both Gus and I. All I can say is that Sierra will be one good looking baby!!! Here are some of the pictures of the event:
The decor.
Jamilie and Robin (who helped make the story time quilt) made the long trek from Prather.
Nancy also made the long trip up for the weekend (tie died about 12 baby shirts for Sierra as well as one for Gus and I).
Anne and Jer-bear, happy as can be! Anne made 4 blankets of her own for Sierra and plans on making another quilt for her too!!! A very crafty mother-in-law!
Not only did Lyn help with nearly every aspect of the baby shower she also got crafty with her gift! She made a mobile out of topographic maps of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. So personal! Gus will be teaching our baby all the places in no time!
The sunflower cupcake display...straight out of Martha Stewart! 

The other pregnant ladies at the baby shower, Jill and Lisa.
Someone had to take a picture with the pregnant lady! Catie, my good friend from high school, drove over from SF to make it.
Opening one of my favorite gifts for Sierra, an animal backpack, from Nancy. I started tearing up... maybe it's the hormones but all I could think about was toddler sized Sierra carrying that around with her where ever she went.
Another favorite, from Anne and Jerry was the barnyard animals that each made their own sounds.
Robin, wanted to make sure Sierra had workout clothes to wear to match Mommy! Not shown was the dumbbell baby rattle that we were also given!
This is a running skort (that may top any of the ones I have in my wardrobe) and an ADORABLE Humboldt State onesie (perfect for the two alumni parents) from Anne and Jerry.
The story blanket/quilt that Anne, Robin, Jamilie and Pat made together.

On Sunday Gus and I went to our 3 hour birthing class and Trevor and Esther went into Sac to meet some friends and (Trevor) to get a tattoo. Gus and I both agreed the 3 hours went by very quickly. There was a 15 minute video following a few pregnant women and at the end they videoed the birth and I just started crying when one of the women gave birth. I had no intention of crying but there I was actually weeping in our birthing class. It just becomes more and more emotional the closer we get to having this baby! After the class we drove into Sac to meet Esther, Trevor, Trevor’s friend and her boyfriend for dinner. It turned into a long night for a Sunday and we were all pretty tired when we got back.

On Monday I had my appointment with my primary care physician (but I actually met with the PA). I got the Tdap shot, which made my arm sore for the following 2.5 days but more importantly I was told I could take Claritin (without the D). My life has been SO much better since I started taking it! I don’t know why I didn’t figure that one out earlier because my allergies were literally making me miserable. Also I have taken to wearing my compression socks (that I used to wear during ironman training) to keep my calves from swelling so much. It has been very helpful too. Swimming 5 days/wk is great too. There were many positives in my small little world this week. One thing I thought would be a positive was showing my mom what a power clean was and show her that I am not getting close to hitting my belly:

I usually do this weight (60 kilos) for 3 sets of 3 reps at the end of my warm-up sets. Here I do it once for demonstration. My mom did not like this one bit, and suggested I stop doing this lift... So I may be adding Power Cleans to the list of lifts that I don't do anymore starting next week. Do I have to say adios to Cleans too?!?!?

On a positive note, Trevor is having us babysit his canoe while he is on his east coast adventure (he is moving to NY for a job, but not before he journeys to Alaska and all over the country). On that note, Gus and I will be canoeing on Putah Creek this Saturday and going to our baby birthing class on Sunday. 

I gained 1.5lbs this past week (thank you baby shower), about half of that weight is going to the baby now (27.5 lbs total):

1 comment:

  1. So cute! This is how I wish my baby shower to be like. I have saved this post and will also share with my friends. I just got married in one of the event venues Chicago and I wish to have a baby soon. This post is going to be very helpful to my friends as well.
