Thursday, August 29, 2013

Earning her keep

August 29, 2013 (7 weeks tomorrow)

Another fun and exciting week... I guess it always seems like that when cells are multiplying at an ungodly rate. So is the life of a newborn... actually she is now an infant and no longer medically a newborn (as soon to be Doctor Crystal told me). She actually outgrew her bassinet this week, and we have been putting her down in her crib more often. I put the monitor on and when I hear her cry I bolt up like nobody's business, run to her room, change her, and bring her back to bed with us. It seems to be a good system so far. When we all are ready I may try to get her to stay asleep in her room, but for now I still enjoy being two peas in a pod (as Gus likes to call us when he sees us cuddling). 

You wouldn't believe it, but we actually got to do a lot of stuff last weekend! Crystal, Gus, Sierra and I went out to further experience beer week on Friday night. Although the first place we went to only had one tap and no food and the second place only had the local Sudwerk's beer on tap (which is more of a German style beer... not our favorite). So it wasn't that much of a "beer week" experience, but we did see a couple from our baby and labor class out with their 5 week old! Their little boy and Sierra had similar spaced out expressions on their face; it was cool seeing another baby in the same developmental phase. 

Saturday morning we woke up and Crystal offered to watch Sierra for our biking date! We only did about 1.25hrs, but that was good enough for me (and long enough for Sierra to have a morning nap). just the saddle time alone was killing my butt! It's crazy how much power you can lose when you take time off, but Gus was nice and didn't drop me at any point in the ride. It felt great to be riding again, and I can't wait to get back to mountain biking shape. In the afternoon we prepped Sierra for her first Hornet sports event! The men's soccer game... I dressed her in appropriate Hornet clothes too. We saw many of my athletes and colleagues (they were all ecstatic to see Sierra, even the guys on the soccer team were seemingly enthusiastic). 

Sierra likes being outdoors already and she loves the "papa hold" (Gus' favorite way of holding her).
Sunday I asked Crystal if she wanted to try out my "baby weight" class with me. I asked her if she wanted a newborn (a 10lb plate) or a 1 year old (a 25lb plate). She chose a 10lb in fear that the class would be at my normal level of crazy. Crystal seemed to enjoy it, but more importantly Sierra LOVED it. It really was fun to do. Gus made it home from mountain biking shortly after we finished the class and we all went downtown for brunch together. 
Sierra is still doing her lifting. That baby dumbbell is the perfect size for her little hand! 

She often falls asleep in her swing or her bouncer for her naps...always thinking deep thoughts. 

She met a new friend on Monday, Animesh, (a doctor friend of Crystal's) came over and brought our favorite dinner with him, Katmandu!! Sierra had a full blown convo with him... that is in baby talk. 

Sierra slept through our new parent group that we usually go to on Wednesday... so I let her be, I had to clean the house anyhow. She has been developing a little bit more patterned nap times. Always one in the morning, not long after we wake up, and always one in the afternoon usually right before papa comes home. She also has been sleeping through the night better (not as many wake ups). 

I had four days of work this week, and today I have to go in earlier than Gus is getting home. Since it is still "summer" for the college students, my boss approved of me bringing Sierra in today. So she is officially going to earn her keep. I only have one team to coach, and plan on wearing her during that time. It's actually a great way to end the week. I am not exactly looking forward to next week since T,W,TH I will be working 6.25hrs each day AND Crystal is going back to Vegas! Two downers in one week!! Leaving Sierra for 3 hours is one thing but for 7 hours is a whole other scenario... Every week following that I will be working M-TH. It's not that I don't like my job (I DO) but I will miss her SO much!

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