Last weekend Sierra went to the UC Davis vs Sacramento State Men's Soccer game with her Dad. I was sitting on the bench with the guys, but as soon as I heard her little voice in the stands I whipped my head around to see her. After the game she said hi to all the players. Right afterward we all went to the rec pool and had swim time! Sunday Gus tried to give me some time to mountain bike, unfortunately my chain broke about 10 minutes into my climb so my ride ended up being much shorter than anticipated. Later on in the day we busted out the galvanized steel container and made it a tub/pool for Sierra.

Tuesday construction began on the 50 so it made my work commute longer meaning I had to be away from Boo longer too. Gus and Sierra made me a card and bought me flowers to make my week feel better though, so that made me smile.
Sierra is WALKING now! She first walked at the reading group at the library on Wednesday and has been doing it every day since then. It makes me so happy and once again reflective (as always). This video is from my non-smartphone as you can tell.
Otherwise, after work we played with Cheerios and proceeded to feed them to the dog. Sierra likes to share food with them, and they are definitely happy benefactors!
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