Friday, April 18, 2014

And there she goes...

April 18, 2014 (9 months +)

Sierra is a cruisin'! This week she took 2 unassisted consecutive steps at daycare. It's okay though because Gus and I saw her do the same thing that morning! It was funny though, when Kathy told me I teared up because the way she told me... she was so excited, as if it was the first time she ever did it. Maybe it's because now someone else has seen her besides Gus and I, it feels like "it's real now." She also has been saying "dog" at daycare which we hear from her quite a bit with Mr. Oso and Keta girl around all the time (our 2 large dogs).

We sure have been loving our bike trailer lately! Which means more time to ride for us too! We all try to get out on rides on the mornings I am home longer before work. Sierra enjoys it much more than our trial run now that we put a biker beanie on her and pad her seat thanks to Dah Dah (Gus has an engineer mind after all).

On Wednesday we had her 9 month well baby visit, which we biked to via Davis' wonderful bike paths! She is 22lb 2oz and 31inches long, and very healthy! Afterward we all biked over to story time at the library! Sierra loved seeing the other babies so much that she pulled her typical move (stole their toys and then bopped them on the heads with the very same toy). Well I actually was very observant of this as a possibility and was able to prevent most of the bops (except for her buddy Andrew, luckily his mom and I are friends and she laughed it off... which is more than Andrew can say). There were songs to sing and books to read and solid interactions that were had with other babes in her age range. It was awesome!

Unfortunately we had some type of allergy on Thursday, and her eyes swelled and teared up... she was inconsolable so I booked a doctor appointment for her and Gus to go to and I came home early from work. She ended up doing much better today, and seemed back to her normal self so we aren't too worried.

After work and in the mornings her new favorite thing is to push her "lawn mower-walker-toy" around the living room. Early in the week she would get so frustrated when it would get blocked from moving by obstacles that she would scream, but now (today) when she hits something she scoots the lawn mower around it... Simply hilarious! I wanted to get video of it, but it just never happened so here is my photo series.

She really hammed it up for me when I took out the camera! She even showed her teeth in these few pictures! You would never be able to tell that she used to get upset when she got stuck! Things move so fast with her.
 When she started readjusting the pusher today I was so impressed with her ingenuity! I told her how proud I was of her for figuring out how to maneuver the mower!
 She doesn't even mind when she misses a step and falls down, she just gets right back up. She loves this thing!

You know you're a parent when... your living room turns into the play area. You also told yourself that this would never happen. HA!

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