My dad sent me a picture from when I was about 2 living in Hamden, CT. I can still remember those glass door knobs and the way my mom hung her purses on the handles. I can see little bits of this little girl in that little girl.
Sierra and I were able to have some good quality time over the break. Gus took some great pictures of us on the swing outside. I was in one of those perfect momma and baby moments when he came outside and saw us. I am just ever so aware of how quickly the time flies with her. How much a small life can change in such a short period of time and how much it can change me. Her personality is so much an essential part of my being now. Even at work I feel my mom-ness. I think back to the bracelet my friend Amy let me borrow for when I went into labor, it said "You were born to do this." I often find myself feeling that exact sentiment when I am with her.
She even took a step (more like a stand up on her own without assitance, wobble, then stumble towards me, and fall over) on two different occasions, but hasn't done it again since. It all takes time; so I am happy she is gutsy enough to go for it at all. Her language is more directed now and I can tell that she recognizes more words. Some of the sign language we use with her is actually sticking (all done is one that she tries to use when she is done eating). Unfortunately her teeth are still bugging her and she is fighting off a bit of a nasal/sinus cold. She also has been much more clingy (wanting to be held more often) to Momma and Papa lately, which is supposedly pretty common at this age. We have had a few pretty rough nights (as Gus says, WILD CARD) this week with her, but she is getting back to her schedule tonight. PHEW!
We are looking forward to not traveling much of anywhere this weekend. Sierra ended up having some big crying fits both to and fro our 3.5 hour drive last weekend. She was happy to spend time with her grandparents and great grandma though, so it was worth it.
It has been raining most of the week here and we are welcoming it! I love the rain (especially in a drought), and it's fun to take Sierra for walks after it has rained the smell of the air and the light in the sky is calming. I keep thinking of the saying, April showers bring May flowers. Here we are in April.
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