Sunday, June 14, 2015

A waiting game

June 14, 2015

3 days past due, without signs of going into labor. Ah, the familiar tale. I am definitely not alone in this game, since many women go over by a week or more. I am definitely not thrilled about it though. It's hard to say if the past few days have been psychologically draining or if this pregnancy has finally caught up to me. It hasn't helped, being 100 + degrees, but I have been extremely taxed since the passing of June 11. Tired, nauseous, and achy (more so than before). We had our final prenatal visit on June 12, and found out that I am 1 cm and effaced but not ripe... not that it would make any difference truly. It seems that the contractions are the only thing that are a sure bet that labor is immanent. I have gained 27 pounds of weight this pregnancy which is one pound under what I said I wanted my "max" to be. Since I started 8 pounds heavier this time and gained 36 pounds last time, I thought that was a reasonable goal.

In the mean time, Gus has been hard at work on all of the manual labor projects around the property. One big one was the fence around the place, Mike, him and Jerry worked on that for about 2 weeks. They did a phenomenal job with it too. My dad was in town and helped with a few light fixtures and groceries. Jerry put two up as well. Anne has helped several times with watching Sierra when Gus and I have had doctor's appointments and the hospital tour (we even got dinner afterwards). It's actually really nice living next door to my in-laws! They have helped with so much! I've been able to keep up with household chores a lot better than when I was working, even with taking care of Sierra. I was able to manage to cook a bunch of prepared meals for post-delivery, paint the bathroom, and remove an ugly border around the top of the kitchen ceiling. Keeping up with Sierra is a full-time venture, especially with my energy levels dipping. We have checked out the school playgrounds, and the library quite a bit. I've tried getting together with other parents/kids in the area without success. People are just so spread out here (in mountain/foothill communities) it makes it difficult. We have made it up to Shaver Lake twice and Dinky Creek once already though, which have both been hits for Sierra. Gus and I decided to "give her" tumbling lessons as a birthday gift along with a bucket swing so she has more things to do. We try to take our walks early in the morning before 8am so she doesn't get too hot. Bath time has also become a 30-45 minute activity with the weather being so hot. The small pool we picked up at the grocery store has gotten a fair share of usage, about every other day as well.

Otherwise, we're just trying to finish up those last minute things before Eve decides to get here... as for me I'm just trying to keep my sanity and remember how joyous being pregnant is.


  1. Sierra looks like a beautiful combination of both you and Gus. Thank s so much for the blog post.

  2. Sierra looks like a beautiful combination of both you and Gus. Thank s so much for the blog post.
