Thursday, May 28, 2015

2 more weeks

I'm writing early because we have a lot of things to get done in the next two weeks before Eve arrives.

Here we go, two more weeks left, and strong Braxton-Hicks contractions have been with me ever since Monday. I officially stopped lifting this week. Today was my last day of work before I go on maternity leave. It hasn't really been too bad since I have been preparing for it for some time now; having already said goodbye to my teams and the coaches has spread out the "hit" a little more. In addition, I am somewhat consumed by getting down to our new home again so that I will be with Gus and at the place we are going to deliver.

Sierra and I have been staying with Auntie for the past 3 days while we wrap things up here before I am officially down at our new home. It has been fun and stress-free for all three of us girls. Sierra has been asking to wake-up Auntie in the morning after she gets up. She has been helping me out by picking her up from daycare at the end of the day this week too. We met up one last time with Sophia, Eric and Ariana before we left. It's so hard to say goodbye. They were some of the closest friends we had here.

We moved over Memorial Day weekend with the enormous amount of help we received from our friend Eric, and Auntie here in Davis. We received more help from Grandpa, Grammy and Auntie unloading and watching Sierra once we arrived to our new home too. Sierra spent lots of time with Auntie and Grammy as Gus, Jerry and I unloaded and unpacked.

On Saturday Sierra went down to Fairwinds and saw Great Grandma and Uncle Nic who was visiting, and met Uncle Angelo the following day for a BBQ at Grammy's and Jer Bear's. She really enjoyed her uncles. I know because she has been talking about Uncle Angelo and his high fives this week to me. 
Gus shaved his face before the move so it wouldn't be too hot during the move. He kept the mustache... for a few minutes. 
 Ariana and Sophia came over before work last week to have a play date before I had to go to work. We love seeing the girls play together. Ariana is truly Sierra's closest friend here in Davis.

Sierra's tooth did get pulled and her pink eye, virus, and ear infection have subsided. It was a very difficult task to watch her go through that. Strapping your child to a papoose board, hooked up to nitrous, with a clamp in her mouth screaming for mommy sure does elicit some pretty strong maternal and paternal instincts. Gus and I agreed that we both felt that if anyone was ever really hurting out daughter we'd ... well let's just say it wouldn't be a good outcome for them.  

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