Sierra is officially older (as we all are), the small changes on the day-to-day basis are awesome to watch. One day she will wake up and be more verbal (baby gibber gabber) or more tactile (grabbing everything including during her feedings...). It is really fun to see.
This weekend we began the process of getting the car fixed up (I thought it would be easier with Gus there to assist). We also went for a "hike" at Pena Adobe in the Bob stroller. I have been using the removable headrest that I use for the car seat in the Bob and it seems to be working very well. Going uphill was just fine, but we had to tilt the stroller back on the downhill so she didn't tip too far forward. Crystal ran around the park while Gus, Sierra, and I spent some QT together.
On Sunday Sierra had her first day at the outdoor UC Davis Rec pool! Davis is such a family friendly town, which I knew before but I am really beginning to understand more now. Sierra didn't really want to be in the pool for very long so her and I laid down in the shade while Gus and Crystal did laps. (I now know most of my suits do not properly cover the "new" me very well; at least not while I am producing milk...noted).

Going out with the baby truly does involve a bit of planning... items she will need, items she might need, items we should have just in case but items that she most likely won't need. Gus is always saying, "There is just so much STUFF!" So true, my minimalist husband, so true. Cloth diapering adds to the "stuff" quite a bit too. Speaking of too much "stuff" I have made Sierra an ADHD matt. Okay, I didn't actually make it, but I have taken every one of her toys that has a hook and hooked it to this mobile matt she was given at her baby shower. "Way to teach her to be over stimulated, Erin." "HA, that's nothing compared to our current society," I always think. Anyhow, she totally geeks out on that thing... it's teaching her more visual focus... uh, that sounds about right... for this current developmental stage.
Monday the pregnant ladies, their hubbies, Gus' mom and sister all came by for a pot-luck and pizza style dinner. It was a fun evening with the 10 of us (plus 2 dogs)! Jill and Lisa are each about 2 weeks away from having their babies and I am so excited for them to start their families! It really is the final stretch for them. There were a lot of different things discussed and honestly, it feels funny that I am the one they are asking questions to. I feel like I am always asking everyone else questions, so it's nice to actually answer some too!
Tuesday, I was pretty much a grump the whole day, excluding the hour when Anne and Gus' cousin Nic (who currently goes to law school in NYC but is from Seattle) came to visit. I knew I would be leaving Sierra for the first time to go back to work. It made me anxious and sad just thinking about it. Even though I was only going to be going back for a few hours it was still extremely hard for me to fathom. Gus has been adjusting to a 5am wake-up so that he can get home on time for me to go to work, which has been difficult for him. When 3pm rolls around, I was already tearing up. When it's time for me to leave, I am in full-blown waterworks. It's so hard to leave your baby for the first time. I have such a deeper understanding of all of those working moms' emotions. Everything ended up being okay, but it was trying for Gus and I. Gus hasn't had to soothe her for that long before either, and it is actually her "cranky" time-of-day, so I felt bad for him too! But as my mom said, "You both are in this thing together." And so it is...
On Wednesday I found out some info at the new mom's group about free baby activities. I have to be selective because I have to only do the ones that will work with my return to work schedule. I am very excited about joining a free baby swim class... a.k.a. playing in the water with other babies and their parents. It goes all the way until 6 months and meets once a week, and it's in a heated pool.
I have to go back to work again today; it will be easier this time but it will still be hard. It gives me new appreciation of being with her for a full day, though.
I have started lifting again... and even for me it's hard to get back into. I feel weak after 4 weeks of absolutely no lifting (minus a 10 lb baby). I will get it back though, it will just take time. It would actually be a lot of fun to have a 45 minute group class for new moms that's called "Baby weight" (it would be a class centered around working out WITH your baby). All you would need is your baby and a yoga matt. What do you think? Would it catch on?
start a 'baby weight' class!!! I'd take it!
ReplyDeletesweet! I was thinking $7/class once a week or $50/10 classes on the green (central park in Davis)? What do you think? Mondays @ 9:30am??? What do you think, Lisa?
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the absolutely terrible movie Life Happens with Kate Bosworth? In it, she plays this fitness girl, I can't remember what she does exactly, but her and her friends make up a baby weight class using the "weight" of their babies to tone their muscles. It's kind of silly, but you should watch it.
ReplyDeleteI knew other people must have done it before! I will check it out! :)