Here we are at six weeks old, and this past week was something else. Last Friday morning I brought Sierra to the Davis arboretum for a run in the Bob stroller. It was great! Although, we didn't run the whole time we were out there for a good 40 minutes. We even met up with a mom from the mom's group for lunch afterwards. I upped the ante this morning and got Sierra all set up in the Bob, harnessed both dogs, tied them to my waist, and the 4 of us went for a run on the levy. Once again, not a huge amount of actual running but we spent about 40 minutes out there. I most definitely looked ridiculous! I also was able to lift twice this week, and I am starting to feel stronger again. I am not trying to rush any of my progress, but I do know that I have to start somewhere to get back to my old self again! Gus and I are hoping to have a biking date at some point soon; Auntie Crystal will watch baby Sierra for awhile and Gus and I will take a road ride together.

My Dad came into town on Monday night and we were so happy to see him as he was to see all of us! He is a natural grandpa and it was so sweet to see him with Sierra again! On Tuesday him, Sierra, and I all went for a little walk in the morning at the arboretum.

We all had a great time out on the town, and we even made it home at a very reasonable time... you kind of have too with a 6 week old!
My dad enjoyed babysitting for us while I had to work on the mornings of Wednesday and Thursday (and apparently Sierra had a good time too)! It felt like a hectic work week for me. I worked more this week than last week. One day I even came home half way through the day so I wouldn't have to be away from her too long.
On Thursday afternoon after my dad left for San Fran, I went over to Lisa and Jeremy's house to congratulate them on their new addition!! There little boy, Jack was born just this past Monday. Sierra and him were instant buddies... except they slept through their whole first encounter. Lisa and Jeremy are adjusting well to their new addition!
Apparently, I am not supposed to even be back at work yet according to my doctor's note to my HR department. Opps, I will have to get that letter amended somehow...
Instead of saying what our plans are for the weekend, I think it's best to just be open with what we want to do. I learned my lesson last weekend, when all of the plans we had made for what we wanted to do didn't end up happening for one reason or another (be it lack of sleep etc). So we'll see what happens this weekend!
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