Can it be?! I've completely forgotten to post!?
Just too much has happened, as is life around this time. So picture collage here we go... please catch us up!
I've been trying to sell soap that I've been making in my spare time (while the kids are sleeping) check it out on :m&eSoapery )
We've made an attempt at making Thanksgiving traditions this year... it includes: baking pumpkin bread first thing in the morning (no matter how sick or tired you are) and trying to completely include both snotty nosed kids in your family with baking it, having a silly family DANCE PARTY, loving your sweet little family (of four humans, two dogs - one of which killed one of your sweet little chicks, now a flock of 14 chickens) with all of your being, eating food together, watching a silly Disney movie and taking a brisk walk in the fall air (that I will always tell my family, "it used to be a fresh northeastern snowy night walk" from when I was a lad)).
The stories of the last two months could only be said in pictures:
We do have a friend at our house every few months.The skies sure are pretty when storms are coming... I wish more of them would come!
Eve loves Daddy and Daddy loves Eve.
Somehow we missed taking a picture with Grandpa Jeff while he has in town, but this was one of the food nights. We have been trying to incorporate the kids into our baking and cooking as much as possible.
One of the few things I have found to love about Fresno: the Zoo. It is so well done in many ways, and trying in the ways they know they could do better. It is really fun for us all.
I told the girls we'd have a pumpkin painting party and it was a party we had (just the 3 of us).
Bathtimes continue to be entertaining for all four of us... they are pretty hysterical.
We have been getting out at least once a week to go for a hike :)
Oh, Washington, how you are deeply loved by me! This first picture has a terrifically funny caption by my sister in law...

The Seattle Aquarium rivals Monterey!
We met the rest of the Wicks!Eve loves her abiee which we think means happy by translation.
We loved going to Liz and Demetri's wedding. They both looked beautiful and so happy.
The girls did well at the rehearsal dinner, although Eve couldn't stop taking selfies!
Love this brother-sister combo.
Sierra's most favorite person, perhaps in the world!
My heart is full when I was on the ferry...
As were the hearts of our girls.
We took a row boat out on Lake Sutherland while our laundry dried.
We fell in love with the Olympic Mountains and found charm in Port Angeles.
Olympic National Park, La Push Rainforest!
Loving those ferry rides.
Sierra's great at helping take care of the chickens.
I love seeing how much they love each other.
We threw a Halloween Party! It was a lot of fun :)
We went to a pumpkin patch and a hayride with our friends.
Yes, I did actually get to mountain bike this month. Jerry and Anne watched the girls.
We went to the Fresno Fair... not a fan of huge crowds I must say.
But Sierra sure is cute!
Our flock has grown to 14!
More adventures at the zoo!
Biking is something Sierra loves to do and we push Eve around on the Strider.
Oso and I took a quick trip to Pasadena to see my friend Crystal this month (overnight).
Sorry for the delay! So much happens so quickly!
Thank you. More pics to come soon ?