I love my family of four; which is the total we have decided to be.
Eve is almost 8 months, Sierra is over 2.5 years ... Gus is... and me... who cares?!!?
More importantly we have had another amazing month in the foothills; with challenges that have pushed our patience as well.
Sierra is in the midst of developing her very own strong personality. We have been working through tantrums, climbing out of the crib in the middle of the night (then we decided on taking the crib rail off), not wanting to sleep in the dark, not wanting to run with Mommy in the stroller, not wanting to eat, not wanting to potty train AT ALL, no naps, not sharing with sister and a high demand for doll/pretend time with Mommy. We have also seen more advanced vocabulary, physical and emotional skills, as well as better ability to take independent tasks on based on direction. It's been difficult and rewarding.
Eve is pulling up on couches, chairs, and anything else she can press against. Her teeth are coming in at rapid fire. She has had two colds in the past month, and finally managed to get into the doctor's office for her vaccines for 6 months. She seems like she is very observant and enjoys watching the world around her. Unlike her sister at this age, she does not seem to have the same interest for books. She loves eating and feeding herself. She's sweet and has a warm demeanor, but I can tell she has a bit of a mischievous side to her too! Don't be deceived by those big eyes.
We have been lucky to have had Auntie Lyn visit and Crystal and Onkar have come up from Pasadena twice this month too. Both Gus and I have enjoyed the visits. Sierra and Gus went to the toy store for the first time last weekend and Sierra got to pick out a toy. It was his idea, and such a sweet one too. His commute has been challenging, due to the lack of time it leaves him at home. He has been enjoying working on finishing our carport/shed, and we have started work on making our raised beds and finishing up our patio area. The feeling of spring is in the air as of this week, and we know it's time to get our fruits and veggies growing!
As for me, I've enjoyed seeing family and friends and am grateful for my two local girlfriends (who also have kids). I have been pretty consistent with my exercise although I haven't been as consistent with the healthy foods that I know I should be eating. Sometimes sleep deprivation leads you to bad eating. As Gus says, "There's always a wild card at night." Eve's teething or colds, or Sierra waking up in the middle of the night and coming into our room... or BOTH... We did get to have one full-night of sleep this month though. I know sanity is around the corner! Anne has helped me tremendously, keeping my wits about me through some trying melt-downs too. She has been taking care of the girls with Jerry once a week (plus a few extra favors) while I go to work.
During the week and on weekends we explore the common 130 acres in the center of our neighborhood quite frequently. I also either pull the girls in the double bike trailer or push them in the double jogger. I need it! I most frequently bring my dog Oso with us, and he loves it! Gus and I continue our consistent family exercise (lifting in the basement with the girls hanging out with us). We have enjoyed having that time together. Today Gus and I put in 3 hours of outdoor work while Anne and Jerry watched the girls... It's surprising how awesome it felt. Honestly, our type of Valentine's Day.
We visited the San Jauquin River Gorge and hiked around with Crystal while she was visiting.
We still enjoy crafts and painting, and for most of the month have been "making Valentine's Day cards."
When Eve gets happy I can't help but snap a picture!
Picnics by the pond in the early morning is a sure fire way to switch the mentality in the positive light for the day... I just have to get her out of the door!
I read to Sierra and Daddy this week and they passed out on the floor of Sierra's room.
Eve is starting to play peek-a-boo with us. She will take a piece of clothing and hide her face and then bring it down really quickly and laugh.
Sierra and Eve take their baths together at the end of almost every day. They received presents from Nana Maryann to play with in the tub and out of the tub this month too!
Eve is trying so many different foods lately, but mostly enjoying the self-feeding process.
We looked for frogs and snails by the pond with Sierra's friend Esther.
We go to library story and craft time once a week and play at the playground afterwards. We also go to gymnastics again, once a week.
Gus gave me a whole day to snowboard with Crystal and Hilary this month. We enjoyed our girl time at China Peak.
Eve is a pro at crawling on all fours and I don't suspect it will be long before she takes her first step.
We (maybe me the most) enjoyed going on another hike at the San Jauquin to find cows.
Eve pulls up on her crib, and chews on the rail to teeth... not ideal but hey at least it's wood.
Selfies for Daddy to entertain him while he's at work.
Auntie and Grammy brought Sierra to see Frozen on Ice this month.

Story time goes very well on most days.
We have loved the rain and are hoping for more!
We still make purees but most often Eve takes the spoon away and makes a mess... sometimes I just dump it on her tray.We love exploring the rocks in the common area.
Sierra likes to express herself, and enjoys seeing her reflection and picture. We love to send Daddy pictures because we miss him while he's at work.
Hilarious good times!