Sunday, May 18, 2014

Moms' Day

5.16.14 (10 months)

I recently read an article about children's online presence (as in "our" non-consenting children's online presence). Essentially, this is exactly what I am doing here, with this blog, for Sierra. Giving her an online presence, before she can agree or disagree with me doing it. Is this a problem? Well seeing as my blog is pretty much a campy, low-trafficked, non-promotional, family-informing blog I don't see it to be. If it is, oh well (my bad)! I have found that "blogging" about the week-in-the-life of my family and I is cathartic and reflective. While I do not flourish or go into immense depth with my blog, I hit the high points of development and I try to think of the majority of "my side of the family" that doesn't ever get to see us hoping that this is somewhat of a substitute(?).

On the note of blogging and documenting life's changes, I found this hilarious e-article describing how much your life transforms once you do have a child. The most poignant aspect is how the relationship with your friends without kids starts to shift and they begin to wonder why you don't hang out anymore (not that I have too many banging down my door here). I swear I still like you! In a lot of ways there are many truths in this article, and pretty funny too!

Something else that has changed is how I exercise. I lift still (quite often) and I ride my bike(s) still not quite as often and that's about it these days. I don't feel terribly guilty about not doing more either, and when I am doing those things I don't get all "aggro" and OCD about it. I actually enjoy it being less competitive now. I had a long long run at competition (assuming I was competitive from birth, I would say about 30 years worth) in many modalities. Now I am not saying I won't want to jump back on the horse and kick some people's booties again, but for now I am cool just being healthy, strong, balanced, and happy. I love pulling that little girl around in her bike trailer!

Sorry for the tangent there!

On Saturday I went indoor skydiving with my friend, Marleene, and a group of her friends for her birthday. It was great to connect with other moms in the community and have fun as "regular people" for the day (although we did end up talking about mom stuff a lot). After talking to them I decided I should start looking into preschool options for Sierra's future.
Sunday, my first mother's day, we went hiking/biking (trade off like last weekend but this time Gus biked more and I spent time with our little girl).
She loves being outside.
On Wednesday, I biked Sierra down to Marleene's before library time. This was the first time she grabbed onto my leg and seemed attached to me while we were in a group. It was truly endearing. On Friday we bought her first 1st birthday gift off of craigslist, so it was half the regular price (a Strider bike). It's a bike without pedals, (just wheels) that helps kids learn balance so riding is easier later on.

On Saturday we headed down to Grammy and Grandpa's for the weekend. Celebrating Gus's birthday. We met up with Great Grandma, Grammy, Grandpa, and Aunt Lyn and then went to Sequoia Brewery for lunch. Gus was happy with his growler and bike jersey gift from Grammy and Grandpa. We brought their bikes down with us so we all rode around the neighborhood later that evening. Today Gus and I are going to ride and Sierra is going to hang out with her loving relatives before we head back home this afternoon. I think Gus will be satisfied with how the birthday weekend turned out!

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