May 30, 2014 (10.75 months-ish)
Memorial Day weekend was a great 3 day stretch for us as a family, getting to be at home in Davis was needed. Not only were we able to enjoy more time hanging out and getting home stuff done instead of traveling, but we were also able to take in some Davis "attractions" as a family too. On Saturday we had to get some chores done around the house early in the day so Sierra made sure she helped out as much as she could. She has watched her Dah Dah work on bikes since she was born (but now he has his little girl and birthday gift bike stand to assist him).
Later on in the afternoon, we headed to meet some other families at the UC Davis Rec pool. We biked over on bike paths and pulled Sierra in the trailer, which is always fun for us. Sierra submerged 5 times and was seemingly unfazed by the experience. Almost as if she purely and wholeheartedly trusted whatever Mah Mah and Dah Dah had planned for her. She came above the water completely unshaken! Yes, those free swim classes did do something for her! Marleene and her kids were there, as well as Emily and her crew and Linda and her kiddos. Sierra really enjoys observing all of the kids playing around and doing "big kid" stuff.
Saturday morning we took the bikes out to go by the horse stables and dairy cows for Sierra to meet. We brought carrots along so the horses would come "say hello" to us. Sierra was intrigued by the majestic (not so majestic while they were eating carrots) creatures. Next stop COWS! They were very accustomed to people. We reached out our hands and they immediately started licking us; reaching out their long, scratchy tongues to lap up any salty sweat they could. Gus strongly discouraged my behavior with Sierra, but I wanted her to feel the texture of a cow's tongue when it licks your hand (it was so memorable for me when I was young). After leaving the friendly cow herd, by happen chance we ran into Marleene and Linda as they were crossing the crosswalk in town. What luck!?! We later met up with them at the park. Another friend of ours was there with her family too. Davis is definitely a family town! Sierra expanded her hugging circle to their daughter (who is just a few weeks older than her). Family (check), dogs (check), new best girlfriend (check).
On Memorial Day we took some time to thank some special people (Bill Pieper, Ian Pieper, and Karl Pieper for all they did - as well as all of the others who serve(d)). I took a jog with Sierra and the dogs, Auntie ("Giggles" she is always giggling around Sierra) Lyn stopped by, and Sierra did some more work around the house with Dah Dah (who might I say did a whole butt load of "to-do list items" this weekend).
On Tuesday morning, before I went into work, I went to a play date with some other moms at an indoor "play cafe" and hung out with Sierra for about 1.5 hours. The bike ride over was probably shorter than the car ride would have been. It was great to watch her play with the other kids and it's great to hear about what other moms' thought processes are. Construction began on the 50W so Auntie picked up Sierra from daycare and met me at home. It is so nice to have a social support network of family around.
Grandpa Jeff came to town to visit from Costa Rica!!! Wow what a difference a few months makes. Auntie and Grandpa picked Sierra up early and spent some QT with her before I got home. Auntie was also cooking dinner when I arrived which was so unexpected and overwhelmingly nice (since I literally had no idea what I was going to feed myself tonight). We all talked for quite some time after Sierra went to sleep. It felt really nice to reconnect again, and also to see Lyn so happy with her dad around. It was really warming to me. Both Grandpa and Lyn mentioned how much they appreciated the blog... so when they left I decided to post a mid-week post. What can I say, I am inspired by their compliments.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Dad's Birthday: Mountain Bike Madness
5.23.14 (10 months 3 weeks)
To round off the trip to Grammy's and Grandpa Jer Bear's Gus and I went mountain biking for 3.5 hours while Auntie Lyn and the fam babysat Sierra. Gus was thrilled to get out and ride! There were beautiful purple and red wildflowers blossoming everywhere. We even got to jump in the river to cool off. We were so tired from the ride that we drove home on Monday morning (Gus' actual birthday).
As for the week, we invited Marleene and her two kiddos over for brunch before we went into work. It was nice to have them over and meet our animals, and hang out. Wednesday morning I brought Sierra to library reading group, and the main book was all about dogs. She was squealing with delight. At one point she wandered to the other side of the circle and was positioned next to people she didn't know. She lifted her arms up and started calling out "Mah Mah" very loudly. Everyone thought it was pretty cute (even though it "interrupted" story time). Wednesday afternoon we took off from our work, and were able to go mountain biking again at Sly Park (hitting up the awesome new trail that had recently been built). Marleene gave Gus a bike gear and chain bottle opener key ring which he was able to use after our ride!
We picked Sierra up early from daycare on Wednesday and were all able to hang out as a family together. Something interesting that Sierra is doing now is fake laughing. She knows when situations are "funny" but she fake laughs at them, if they aren't hilarious. She is testing out her personality all the time these days. Sierra has also been in a hugging stage for the past 2 weeks and it has been sooo endearing. Here she is hugging Mr. Oso.What a gentle boy Oso is. He is truly a perfect family dog.
That is until she spots Dad taking her picture.
We took out the bike trailer again today and made a quick loop around Davis stopping at a wonderful little bakery downtown. Sierra is definitely enjoying her rides much more now, and I can't help but enjoy them more too.
As for the week, we invited Marleene and her two kiddos over for brunch before we went into work. It was nice to have them over and meet our animals, and hang out. Wednesday morning I brought Sierra to library reading group, and the main book was all about dogs. She was squealing with delight. At one point she wandered to the other side of the circle and was positioned next to people she didn't know. She lifted her arms up and started calling out "Mah Mah" very loudly. Everyone thought it was pretty cute (even though it "interrupted" story time). Wednesday afternoon we took off from our work, and were able to go mountain biking again at Sly Park (hitting up the awesome new trail that had recently been built). Marleene gave Gus a bike gear and chain bottle opener key ring which he was able to use after our ride!
We picked Sierra up early from daycare on Wednesday and were all able to hang out as a family together. Something interesting that Sierra is doing now is fake laughing. She knows when situations are "funny" but she fake laughs at them, if they aren't hilarious. She is testing out her personality all the time these days. Sierra has also been in a hugging stage for the past 2 weeks and it has been sooo endearing. Here she is hugging Mr. Oso.What a gentle boy Oso is. He is truly a perfect family dog.
And makes a direct line over to him!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Moms' Day
5.16.14 (10 months)
I recently read an article about children's online presence (as in "our" non-consenting children's online presence). Essentially, this is exactly what I am doing here, with this blog, for Sierra. Giving her an online presence, before she can agree or disagree with me doing it. Is this a problem? Well seeing as my blog is pretty much a campy, low-trafficked, non-promotional, family-informing blog I don't see it to be. If it is, oh well (my bad)! I have found that "blogging" about the week-in-the-life of my family and I is cathartic and reflective. While I do not flourish or go into immense depth with my blog, I hit the high points of development and I try to think of the majority of "my side of the family" that doesn't ever get to see us hoping that this is somewhat of a substitute(?).
On the note of blogging and documenting life's changes, I found this hilarious e-article describing how much your life transforms once you do have a child. The most poignant aspect is how the relationship with your friends without kids starts to shift and they begin to wonder why you don't hang out anymore (not that I have too many banging down my door here). I swear I still like you! In a lot of ways there are many truths in this article, and pretty funny too!
Something else that has changed is how I exercise. I lift still (quite often) and I ride my bike(s) still not quite as often and that's about it these days. I don't feel terribly guilty about not doing more either, and when I am doing those things I don't get all "aggro" and OCD about it. I actually enjoy it being less competitive now. I had a long long run at competition (assuming I was competitive from birth, I would say about 30 years worth) in many modalities. Now I am not saying I won't want to jump back on the horse and kick some people's booties again, but for now I am cool just being healthy, strong, balanced, and happy. I love pulling that little girl around in her bike trailer!
Sorry for the tangent there!
On Saturday I went indoor skydiving with my friend, Marleene, and a group of her friends for her birthday. It was great to connect with other moms in the community and have fun as "regular people" for the day (although we did end up talking about mom stuff a lot). After talking to them I decided I should start looking into preschool options for Sierra's future.
Sunday, my first mother's day, we went hiking/biking (trade off like last weekend but this time Gus biked more and I spent time with our little girl).
On Saturday we headed down to Grammy and Grandpa's for the weekend. Celebrating Gus's birthday. We met up with Great Grandma, Grammy, Grandpa, and Aunt Lyn and then went to Sequoia Brewery for lunch. Gus was happy with his growler and bike jersey gift from Grammy and Grandpa. We brought their bikes down with us so we all rode around the neighborhood later that evening. Today Gus and I are going to ride and Sierra is going to hang out with her loving relatives before we head back home this afternoon. I think Gus will be satisfied with how the birthday weekend turned out!
I recently read an article about children's online presence (as in "our" non-consenting children's online presence). Essentially, this is exactly what I am doing here, with this blog, for Sierra. Giving her an online presence, before she can agree or disagree with me doing it. Is this a problem? Well seeing as my blog is pretty much a campy, low-trafficked, non-promotional, family-informing blog I don't see it to be. If it is, oh well (my bad)! I have found that "blogging" about the week-in-the-life of my family and I is cathartic and reflective. While I do not flourish or go into immense depth with my blog, I hit the high points of development and I try to think of the majority of "my side of the family" that doesn't ever get to see us hoping that this is somewhat of a substitute(?).
On the note of blogging and documenting life's changes, I found this hilarious e-article describing how much your life transforms once you do have a child. The most poignant aspect is how the relationship with your friends without kids starts to shift and they begin to wonder why you don't hang out anymore (not that I have too many banging down my door here). I swear I still like you! In a lot of ways there are many truths in this article, and pretty funny too!
Something else that has changed is how I exercise. I lift still (quite often) and I ride my bike(s) still not quite as often and that's about it these days. I don't feel terribly guilty about not doing more either, and when I am doing those things I don't get all "aggro" and OCD about it. I actually enjoy it being less competitive now. I had a long long run at competition (assuming I was competitive from birth, I would say about 30 years worth) in many modalities. Now I am not saying I won't want to jump back on the horse and kick some people's booties again, but for now I am cool just being healthy, strong, balanced, and happy. I love pulling that little girl around in her bike trailer!
Sorry for the tangent there!
On Saturday I went indoor skydiving with my friend, Marleene, and a group of her friends for her birthday. It was great to connect with other moms in the community and have fun as "regular people" for the day (although we did end up talking about mom stuff a lot). After talking to them I decided I should start looking into preschool options for Sierra's future.
Sunday, my first mother's day, we went hiking/biking (trade off like last weekend but this time Gus biked more and I spent time with our little girl).
She loves being outside.
On Wednesday, I biked Sierra down to Marleene's before library time. This was the first time she grabbed onto my leg and seemed attached to me while we were in a group. It was truly endearing. On Friday we bought her first 1st birthday gift off of craigslist, so it was half the regular price (a Strider bike). It's a bike without pedals, (just wheels) that helps kids learn balance so riding is easier later on.On Saturday we headed down to Grammy and Grandpa's for the weekend. Celebrating Gus's birthday. We met up with Great Grandma, Grammy, Grandpa, and Aunt Lyn and then went to Sequoia Brewery for lunch. Gus was happy with his growler and bike jersey gift from Grammy and Grandpa. We brought their bikes down with us so we all rode around the neighborhood later that evening. Today Gus and I are going to ride and Sierra is going to hang out with her loving relatives before we head back home this afternoon. I think Gus will be satisfied with how the birthday weekend turned out!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Hellllllo family!
5.8.14 (approaching 10 months)
Last weekend Aunt Lyndsey, Gus, Sierra and I went for an (almost all day ride around Davis). We left the house around 9am and returned around 2:30pm. We met Lyn at her house in town with her new bike! We rode for quite some time around the Davis bike paths, stopping at playgrounds, and the bagel shop for lunch. The following morning Gus and I wanted to try to get a mountain bike ride in, so we switched off mountain biking and playing with Sierra so we both could get some ride time. Later that afternoon, Jerry and Grammy Anne came by for a surprise visit. They bought bikes too!
After we all had lunch together (Jerry, Anne, Lyn, Gus, Sierra and I) and took part in the epic bike purchase we all came home to relax. Sierra played with boxes and dog toys (she also decided to kick off her jeans). The dogs played with balls and each other, Gus watched birds and I watched everyone. It made me miss my family too (you all better be following the blog to see Sierra grow).
The week went by in typical fashion. Today the woman who runs our daycare made me cookies for mother's day (she said her daughter wanted to make them for me). She is so sweet.
I am remembering my brother tonight. He died 5 years ago today (east coast time May 10). I wish he could see her and be Uncle K.B. I know how much he would get a kick out of being a part of her life. I can imagine he would have loved it. I don't get to see my family very often being on the opposite side of the country from them, but they are still in my heart and I know they love seeing these pictures of her as she grows. Thank goodness for the internet.
After we all had lunch together (Jerry, Anne, Lyn, Gus, Sierra and I) and took part in the epic bike purchase we all came home to relax. Sierra played with boxes and dog toys (she also decided to kick off her jeans). The dogs played with balls and each other, Gus watched birds and I watched everyone. It made me miss my family too (you all better be following the blog to see Sierra grow).
The week went by in typical fashion. Today the woman who runs our daycare made me cookies for mother's day (she said her daughter wanted to make them for me). She is so sweet.
I am remembering my brother tonight. He died 5 years ago today (east coast time May 10). I wish he could see her and be Uncle K.B. I know how much he would get a kick out of being a part of her life. I can imagine he would have loved it. I don't get to see my family very often being on the opposite side of the country from them, but they are still in my heart and I know they love seeing these pictures of her as she grows. Thank goodness for the internet.
Friday, May 2, 2014
5.2.2014 (9.75ish months)
Well I wouldn't call it running per say, but Sierra gets really excited sometimes and tries to take off walking very fast... TOO fast. Most times she tumbles over when this happens. She is a resilient one alright. Her enthusiasm for life overwhelms me with constant joy. Her attachment to Dah Dah and I grows, as does ours to her. Daily she is entertained by leaves and sticks, dogs and chickens, books and stuffed animals, tupperware and spatulas. She enjoys being outside a lot so we bring her in the driveway to play quite often, as well as the numerous parks and playgrounds around Davis. The pinwheel is a toy I think every mom should have handy because it seems to be fairly entertaining to the wee little ones. The bike trailer is fun for her more often now and soon we will be able to go on family rides with Auntie Lyn too. She just got a bike this week!
We biked downtown on Monday to meet up with my friend and her kiddos for a little playtime before I went into work, and Wednesday we went to a playground down the street to explore! Then Dad brought her into the library afterwards since I had to go into work early. Thursday night my great friend from high school stayed over, which was so nice! I hadn't seen her since last year, even though she only lives in SF. Catching up was fun!
Well I wouldn't call it running per say, but Sierra gets really excited sometimes and tries to take off walking very fast... TOO fast. Most times she tumbles over when this happens. She is a resilient one alright. Her enthusiasm for life overwhelms me with constant joy. Her attachment to Dah Dah and I grows, as does ours to her. Daily she is entertained by leaves and sticks, dogs and chickens, books and stuffed animals, tupperware and spatulas. She enjoys being outside a lot so we bring her in the driveway to play quite often, as well as the numerous parks and playgrounds around Davis. The pinwheel is a toy I think every mom should have handy because it seems to be fairly entertaining to the wee little ones. The bike trailer is fun for her more often now and soon we will be able to go on family rides with Auntie Lyn too. She just got a bike this week!
We biked downtown on Monday to meet up with my friend and her kiddos for a little playtime before I went into work, and Wednesday we went to a playground down the street to explore! Then Dad brought her into the library afterwards since I had to go into work early. Thursday night my great friend from high school stayed over, which was so nice! I hadn't seen her since last year, even though she only lives in SF. Catching up was fun!
So even though we have now figured out how to use our camera recording function, we unfortunately can't upload the videos if they are more than a few seconds long. So we took a lot of video this week but this was the only one that would upload for me because it was so short.
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