On Presidents' day I was greeted by a wonderful surprise when I came home from work: dinner and family! Grammie had come over earlier in the day to babysit for Gus and I (we even had a great bike ride together before I went into work), and Auntie Lyn came by a little later. Auntie had been cooking all weekend... for Gus and I. I almost cried when I saw it all when I came home from work that day! Gus and I had been feeling the strain lately (with our new schedules) and cooking has just taken a back seat to all of the other things we need to do. You can see Gus taking a snoozer in the background here (sleep is a commodity).
Lyn picked up on it, with her keen instincts, and made us trays of food to freeze and eat at will! I have literally been eating it all week! Gus and Grammie were able to make baby food for the week together too; so life just felt more simple this week for us. I say thank you to the presidents because baby Sierra was able to spend some QT with her family really. Grammie also babysat for us on Tuesday, and when I got home from work I could tell that Anne was able to tell the difference a few months make in Sierra's activity levels! GO GO GO!
Although I didn't get any pictures of Sierra and Grammie this week we did sneak a few at Crepeville a few weeks ago that I hadn't posted yet.
Life is changing ever day still. Our chickens have adjusted now to their flock of three, our bulbs are starting to push through the mulchy leaf layer from "winter," Sierra continues to stick everything in her mouth that she can get a hold of, and the dogs well they sure do love the family runs we take (I have now roped Gus into them 3 times a week).
I was able to see Lisa and Jill this weekend at a play group I hosted. Two other wonderful mom & baby duos came as well! We all had a great time. I had to keep our little one from grabbing other babies' faces; it's her way of saying she likes you (but it's not taken well by other babies). At the ends of our weeks we tend to spend our Sunday nights on the floor with Sierra; we all crawl around and play our fair share of peak-a-boo! She is a joy for us to be with... She actually stood up for a few seconds tonight unassisted; she just decided to let go of my shoulder and stood there before I reached my hand out for her.
I love this adventure called life and this amazing part we call parenthood is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I find myself with deeper emotion and empathy for others than I have ever had before. When someone tells me about their children my ears perk up and I clue in. It's like the background noise of the day goes silent and I really stop to listen. Being Mom helps me understand a broader scope of our human, more appropriately, the animal life we are living.
The pride that I named this blog after, the one that cared how fast I finished all of my races and the one that cared who I was stronger than is slightly different now. It is the pride that I hold in myself as a mother, which is about being strong but in such a "bigger picture" sort of way. I still hold myself accountable to be healthy and strong, but my emphasis has shifted. I will always love to push myself physically, but now I see how much pride I have in this being we have created which is so much further beyond myself.

These pics are amazing. How beautiful !