Ending up January 2014 on a good note. Gus and I enjoyed our Friday morning with the baby together. He has switched over to the later shift, and I go in later 3 days/week. So it was really nice to have some quality family time for a few mornings this week. I found myself staring at Gus as he was playing with Sierra. I cherish the times I am able to see his love for her come out every day.
When Gus picked her up today from the crib he said, "She's bigger than she was last night." As it turns out, I think he is right. She's going through another growth spurt. She is eating yams with carrots, bananas with blueberries (pureed) as well as her rice cereal and regular feedings. Yummy! All of this new food is fueling her growth (her hair is coming in thicker now too). She chews on the beer bottles for teething on occasion.
It's hard to be away from her for almost 11 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays... it makes me grumpy to be honest. It was pretty rough this week, but we kept her up later so I could spend more time with her. We tried on the shoes I bought her for when she turns one; well big foot fits them now! Just like her parents! I also wanted to show a video of her crawling for the family who doesn't get to see it all the time.
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