November 16, 2013 (4 months and a few days)
It took a whole family this week to make sure Sierra had someone to watch her. Our sitter has been in and out of the hospital with tonsillitis and complications with it; so with the help of Lyn and Anne we have been able to make it work. Sierra was happy to get to hang out with her aunt one day and Grammy one day, and they were happy to spend time with her too! Gus, the baby, and I are all still sick so each of us having a sick day this week served 2 purposes. Gus and I talk about the time warp you get into when you spend a full day with Sierra. At the end of the day you ask yourself, "What did I actually do today?" It doesn't really matter much as long as the baby is happy. The 4 month doctor's appointment went well. The doctor said she thinks Sierra is declaring herself as a long lean baby, and she is doing great with all of the typical developmental milestones.
Last weekend Gus and I prepared meals for the whole week all day on Saturday, and had our friend Jill and her baby Marion over for lunch on Sunday. It was fun catching up and watching the babies interact again.
Sierra still loves her exersaucer and listening to Dad play the guitar. We rented "Baby Mozart" (a video for babies) from the library and she totally loves it... so bizarre how much she keyed into it! Her eyes are still blue, but specs of green and brown are showing up around her pupils now. Her sleep regression is still going strong, but we think that will get better once her cold is gone all the way.
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