We have even had to widen her cloth diaper setting, and some of the covers don't even fit her bum anymore. The weeks just keep flying by, albeit in somewhat of a blur. I am busy busy busy with her before I leave for work, then there's work which is equally busy, and then I come home to spend time with Gus and her for the hour before she falls asleep... let's not forget about the 2-3 times she still wakes up each night either. Then all of the sudden, here we are at week 14!
She has started to teeth this week more noticeably; her drool has picked up 10 fold and she is constantly chewing her hands, as you can see in this picture.
Sleep has been a bit rough for her too, although she is napping right now in the Ergo carrier as I write this blog up. Tummy time is going increasingly well, her tactile senses and abilities to grasp are also developing rapidly. Gus and I are honing in our parenting selves quite nicely I might add. Gus spent almost 6 hours with her alone on Tuesday and unfortunately at the end of a great day of watching her she had a horrific melt-down. Full-blown tears (which is also new for her because she hadn't yet produced tears until then), and 100-decibel screams. Unfortunately, it put him into a state of shock for the rest of the night, but fortunately he took it as a challenge and a learning point. On Thursday, when she had another melt-down he was able to center himself and let it float over him without getting distraught. It is very impressive to me, how much you can learn from having a baby.
Our sitter/nanny is phenomenal; she is so caring and full of love. Both Gus and I are always saying how glad we are that we found her, or I should say that she found my ad on care.com. She always takes pictures during the day of Sierra, which I love to see at work! Her 6 month old and Sierra are the same size and although her baby is far more advanced than Sierra is, they enjoy each other's company on the play mat! Her 2 year old shows books to Sierra and helps her mommy out everyday.
This week I started the baby weight training group class that I had been developing. There were 5 participants, and babies of various ages! I had a blast teaching, and it seemed like all the moms had fun too! Good thing it is only 45 minutes because almost everyone's baby was ready to nap, eat, or be changed by the end of it. This is a picture of Jack that Lisa took while she was training.
The morning moms' group is still insightful and great for Sierra to smile and gurgle at other babies, and the morning swim class is still entertaining for the both of us. Lisa switched her lesson time, so she's now in the same class as Sierra and I!
Otherwise, we had a great previous weekend with Pop-pop (my dad). We cooked great dinners, went for some nice walks with the baby, we all even went over to Jill and Levi's (and little Wes') for a BBQ w/ Lisa, Jeremy, Jack and Lisa's mom too! We just generally had a good time before he shoved off to OZ. The next time we'll see him is at the end of February, which feels like a long way away but will be here before we know it.
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