Thursday, June 20, 2013

Before Baby (B.B.)

June 20, 2013 (week 38.5)

Last weekend was the weekend to get those “last-minute” chores done “before baby” (B.B.). I am sure many couples can relate to my use of B.B. because after baby (A.B.) life sure does seem like it is going to be DRAMATICALLY different.  We started on the basic household chores and advanced to Gus making a gate for the end of our driveway to prevent our dogs (and our nanny’s little 2 year old) from getting too close to the road. It also, “helps to define our outdoor space better.” That quote is not from HDTV, but my husband after he completed the project this week. He is such a handy guy around the house! He also hooked up our diaper sprayer for use on cloth diapers right next to the toilet. Since it wasn’t actually meant to be a diaper sprayer (but was a dog bathing sprayer we found on clearance) he had to make a fitting that hooked up to the toilet plumbing to get it to fit. We also got my car aligned (it was drifting quite a bit and all cock-eyed), which we thought was an important thing to do before we loaded our newborn into it. We managed a quick hike, while that was being done too.  I prepped the food for dinner at Bailey’s (our nanny) in the afternoon while Anne and Lyn stopped by to chat for a while. We had a great time at dinner! We loved talking with Bailey and Marcos and seeing them as parents to their little girls! We were given some very good parenting tips and enjoyed the delicious veggie food!

Anne came over Sunday morning and gave us the BEAUTIFUL baby quilt and bed skirt she made for Sierra and we immediately put them on her crib. (Pictures below).

Gus continued his work on the gate (picture above) and I began cooking and baking to freeze for A.B. One thing many people have told me is that you will NOT want to cook after the baby is born so prepare ahead of time and freeze some meals. I made veggie lasagna (2 trays worth), veggie chili, pasta sauce, meatballs, and chocolate chip cookies and froze them all. Then I went on a cleaning rampage… I could have sworn I was “nesting” (the burst of energy you get before you go into labor) because I hadn’t had that type of energy in such a long time. As it turns out I was just getting excited and it gave me the energy to do it all.

This week started out rough, the pressure of Sierra’s head on my pelvic girdle is starting to get more uncomfortable (luckily this is my last week of work). Tuesday night I woke up 9 times for various reasons, and on Wednesday night I actually had false labor. It was almost time to head to sleep and I started getting really strong Braxton Hicks, and I started questioning is this it? So I asked Gus to go for a walk with me and the dogs to see if it went away, which usually happens if it is false labor (the doctor prefers the term practice labor). Except the extra pelvic pressure from walking added to the “cramping” and they were still coming pretty consistently. Next thing I thought was to lie down, and soon after I did they started going away. During that time I went through many, “This is really happening” thoughts and I was surprisingly nervous! I am glad I got it out of my system because I really want to be calmer than that going into delivery. Also it reminded us of things we need to have ready in the car when we actually do have to go to the hospital.

My doctor’s appointment was relatively unexciting, since everything is pretty much the same (except I am a week closer).  He did say that he was going on vacation on July 9th so if I was really late he would induce me if I wanted to on my last appointment (July 5th). I definitely want him to deliver Sierra, so if she’s not here then I will be getting induced. I heard that there are pretty painful contractions with an induction, but I think it’s more important to me to have him be the delivering doctor. He has over 30 years of experience, knows my birth plan, and I trust him.  I scheduled a haircut for this Saturday (the last one B.B.) and Julia and Chris are coming over for dinner Saturday evening to hang out one last time B.B. Otherwise, we are officially at the point where we are just waiting for the baby to be born (especially because my maternity and sick leave start this Monday).

My weight held steady (the nurse said I actually lost a little although our scale didn’t) but I just LOOK bigger… as you can tell by my facial expression… Can I really get any bigger??? I guess we’ll see:


  1. You can do it Erin!! Hang in there... :)

  2. Thanks, Esther! My last day of work is today, so at least I will be taking it easy for the week leading up to her arrival!
