Friday, March 22, 2013

Pain in the back

Sierra is around 13.5 inches long now and 1.5 pounds apparently! If we could see her, we would be able to see her hair color and texture. She is also putting fat on now too! My heartburn has gotten better this week, but my back pain is baaack. I usually pop it into place while sleeping (I should say half sleeping, because I always remember doing it in the middle of the night while turning onto my side) so the pain goes away, but sometimes it doesn't pop. So for a few days so I will have piriformis and low back pain on my left side. Nothing I am not used to having herniated disc from collegiate rowing gave me my fair share of sciatica. Luckily, Gus rubbed it out so it was loose enough to pop back into place last night. So back to normal for a while!

After going to the rowing race and the track meet, Gus picked me up with the dogs and we drove out past Auburn to go on a hike together. It was really nice (even though our feet fell through the snow a few times); it made me feel like the pre-pregnancy couple I used to know. Since becoming pregnant I have given up very important activities that we used to do together on a weekly basis (especially mountain biking). I have wanted to go outdoors and do something active with Gus, the way we used to. Well, it is nowhere near as hard core as what we used to do, but it was just nice to be outside away from people with him and the dogs again. Afterwards I threw on my borrowed maternity dress again and we headed to the Auburn Ale house for lunch. All of the IPA’s sure looked good… but alas I still have 15 more weeks. Our hang out with the prego married gang at Sudwerks on St. Patty’s Day turned out to be a blast too. We all talked about pregnancy stuff together, the excitements and fears of being parents for the first time and the guys all got along really well too.

The rest of the week has been full of kicking, kicking and more kicking. She is moving non-stop now! She moves a lot when Gus puts his hands on my belly, he has much warmer hands than I do. It really makes me feel like he is more connected to the process of her growth. I got my hair cut (once every 4.5 months) on Wednesday morning, as an early birthday gift to myself. My hair has to look good for my 30th birthday when we go to visit Crystal and Onkar in Vegas! The rest of the weekly routine stayed the same except for the fact I am actually getting nervous about my doctor weigh-in. Is he going to tell me I am too heavy again… Argh… I don’t know why it bothers me, but being outside the “norm” for my pregnancy weight for the pregnancy week is irritating. My irritation mostly comes from my doctor’s comments. I didn’t think anything about my weight gain until he brought it up every time. Oh well, I gained another pound this week (which honestly seems normal) and I am now 20lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight at week 25.

A “family photo” in Auburn:

Me at 25 weeks: 

This weekend we'll be heading out to the Golden Gate Headlands for a hike on Sunday with the dogs (where we ran a trail half-marathon last year for Gus' birthday) and meeting up with our friend Julia for dinner on Saturday night :)


  1. Weight schmeight! You look beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Megs! I think I may have finally conquered the issue :)
