Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby on the Move

February 28, 2013 (22 weeks):

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to pick up the baby stuff (we are being given from Gus’ colleague) this past weekend, but since it is a long way away it seems okay to wait a few more weekends (I guess). On the other hand we did go to Costco to check out a potential birthday present for me. We brought home a 32” flat screen when it was all said and done. We felt very adult-like leaving the store. We talked about how strange the concept of buying a T.V. was to us in the first place, and that we can actually watch our movie rentals on a screen bigger than the computer monitor (unimaginable)! Baby Sierra can watch kid movies from the library too. So it’s really a gift for the whole family to enjoy!

In other news, baby Sierra is on the move! She is kicking all the time now, and I finally was able to get Gus to feel my belly at the right time. I feel more connected with her now that I know it’s “a her” and because she is moving so much. I went to the monthly visit on Monday, and I was told all of the blood work came back negative (no/very low risks for the basic genetic abnormalities that were tested for). Blood pressure was normal and Sierra’s heartbeat is around 150bpm (normal). The one new suggestion from the doctor was to sleep on my side, which I have already been doing for the past few weeks, so I am good there. Unfortunately, though, I was told that my weight gain was higher than he wanted to see. I swear I am getting a pregnancy weight gain complex here!!! Okay, okay, it’s not that bad, but seriously… I am still very much a healthy pregnant woman. I was also given a form to “register” with the hospital for my delivery which I sent in promptly. So otherwise, all is well in prego world!  

Here’s a picture of me at 22 weeks (just under a 17 pound total prego weight gain):

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