Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby on the Move

February 28, 2013 (22 weeks):

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to pick up the baby stuff (we are being given from Gus’ colleague) this past weekend, but since it is a long way away it seems okay to wait a few more weekends (I guess). On the other hand we did go to Costco to check out a potential birthday present for me. We brought home a 32” flat screen when it was all said and done. We felt very adult-like leaving the store. We talked about how strange the concept of buying a T.V. was to us in the first place, and that we can actually watch our movie rentals on a screen bigger than the computer monitor (unimaginable)! Baby Sierra can watch kid movies from the library too. So it’s really a gift for the whole family to enjoy!

In other news, baby Sierra is on the move! She is kicking all the time now, and I finally was able to get Gus to feel my belly at the right time. I feel more connected with her now that I know it’s “a her” and because she is moving so much. I went to the monthly visit on Monday, and I was told all of the blood work came back negative (no/very low risks for the basic genetic abnormalities that were tested for). Blood pressure was normal and Sierra’s heartbeat is around 150bpm (normal). The one new suggestion from the doctor was to sleep on my side, which I have already been doing for the past few weeks, so I am good there. Unfortunately, though, I was told that my weight gain was higher than he wanted to see. I swear I am getting a pregnancy weight gain complex here!!! Okay, okay, it’s not that bad, but seriously… I am still very much a healthy pregnant woman. I was also given a form to “register” with the hospital for my delivery which I sent in promptly. So otherwise, all is well in prego world!  

Here’s a picture of me at 22 weeks (just under a 17 pound total prego weight gain):

Thursday, February 21, 2013


February 21, 2013 (week 21 +):

Saturday was an adventure to say the least. We helped break down and load the chicken coop and chickens. It took 2 trips with Gus’ truck and 1 trip with mine. We worked on it virtually all day, and really didn’t have very much time to get it set up. We separated pieces, and dug some holes for the concrete pillars. We had put the four chickens, Fanny (black), Gritty (black), Lucy (brown), and Lulu (brown) in our fenced in backyard because their home was far from being built. The dogs were inside for a while now, so we thought we could bring them out while we worked on the coop, the chickens were safe afterall… Or were they??? Well, they weren’t. Our fence isn’t exactly Oso proof. He smelt them in about 5 minutes and busted down 2 fence boards and started chasing those poor chickens. Luckily, the chickens escaped through the hole in the fence as I grabbed Oso. Gus was screaming his head off, “God damn-it!” Luckily, Keta was scared by Gus’ yelling and did not pursue the four terrified chickens. Just then Lyn (sister-in-law) and Anne (mother-in-law) show up. What they must have thought!? Later in the evening, after we had our slice of strawberry rhubarb pie they brought over, we all went out to dinner at “Our House,” which is a nice little spot none of us had ever been. It was a pleasant surprise!

The following day was building building building. We woke up early and started with the posts. I have to say Gus did the majority of work because I was feeling pretty crappy, but I helped as much as I could. In the afternoon, I left Gus to the coop and I met Lyndsey and Anne at the Target to register for baby Sierra! I had way more fun than I thought I would. I think we all did. I may have gone overboard, but it’s just a list anyhow (no real money was spent). Gus spent all of his day off (President's Day) building the coop more, and Anne came over for most of the day to help too. She proved to be a real asset to the project. So on my way home from work I picked up fixings for dinner and some nice wine for her as a great big THANK YOU for all the help!

Tuesday morning Anne headed home as I headed out for my run with Oso. Tuesday evening delivered us with the great surprise of MATERNITY CLOTHES I will be borrowing from my good friend, Amy! They are so cute and made me so excited to wear them on the weekends. Just in time too, because I really can’t logistically wear my “big” jeans anymore (that is if I want to eat or drink anything). I even have a place to go try them on this weekend. I am meeting up with a friend from high school (by the way we went to high school across the country and somehow ended up in the same place at age 30) for dinner in town this Saturday. She also is pregnant and due this summer, and her friend is coming too and is pregnant and due this summer as well! My other pregnant friend from NY who is due with twin boys in early April sent me this absolutely fabulous link that cracked me up so hard about pregnant women and our irrational fears:  Check it out if you have time!

Here’s me just a little under a 16 pound total weight gain (but it is Thursday):

Here’s me with our chickens and Gus’ work of art, our chicken coop:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Drum Roll Please

Friday February 15, 2013 (20 weeks-ish):

Saying goodbye to the in-laws on Saturday morning at the airport was a little sad, but as they said, “We don’t really see our adult children that much, as is.” I thought well, I suppose that’s true, and I turned my thinking towards the positives. For example, having let go of all of their personal belongings and following their hearts is admirable. Not only admirable, but I definitely can relate to wanting to do this. Having this baby has centered me in a whole new sort of way though. I feel more comfortable and satisfied with where I am in life. Of course, I still long to travel and explore, but I am more at ease with being “still” for a longer period than I was previously able to handle. So onward, expats, to fulfill your dreams! So I shoved them off. Gus went down to San Diego with them (on their last American stop) for the weekend to check out a few farms run by family and get inspired for one of his favorite hobbies (possibly future career??).

Love day: February 14th! I really like this holiday, it ranks second to Thanksgiving. I just think of it as a great opportunity to tell everyone you care about that you love them. I think that I do this a lot already, but I just like this holiday. I honestly don’t even mind all the cheesy commercials trying to convince people to BUY, which is, of course; totally unnecessary to say I love you.  I just like it. Just like any other day, but centered on the great concept of celebrating those you love. Gus decided it was best to celebrate on the night before. He made me a wonderful dinner, bought me chocolate cupcakes (from Cupcake Craving in town), a bouquet of flowers, and wrote me a card! I can tell you I was one happy lady. The jog I usually do alone with the dogs, he did with me on Love Day (which was very nice)! Also a few of my rowing athletes gave me sweet treats (cookies, cupcakes and a card)! How sweet!?!

Four great random things that happened this week were surprises from others. My friend, Amy, who had her baby a year and a half ago, is sending me maternity outfits in the mail!!! I am so excited to try them all on. She is tall and had a summer baby too, so they will be size and weather appropriate. I am so excited. Plus, it might boost my mood about my growing size and trying to feel cute while prego.  A colleague of mine asked me if I wanted his brother’s chicken coop and chickens, because he is moving. WOW! How random?! Did he know we were planning on building our coop in March and buying our chickens at the end of March?? Just good fortune on our part! We can’t wait to pick them up this weekend! I received a very early birthday gift from my mother-in-law! A cute pink tide-dye maternity tank top that is soft and stretchy that I am excited to wear! She will be visiting Davis this weekend too. One of Gus’ colleagues is giving us her old crib, high chair and bassinet which we are excited to put in the baby room. What a fabulous week? Along with the fact that I think my little Kia will be the perfect baby mobile, and I simply love it!

In the mail this week I received notice that my visit to the hospital to deliver Baby in July is approved by the insurance company. I like it: advanced planning! Thanks for being on top of it, Doc! Speaking of Doc, the most exciting part of the week… THE ULTRASOUND! I have been in countdown mode for some time now and finally the day is here Friday the 15th! I will reveal the accuracy of my Intelligender test based on my personal account… The verdict is: not worth the $35. It’s a girl. Sierra Chrystabel Wick is her name. Sierra like the mountains and Chrystabel is my middle name from my great grandmother. She is 13 ounces right now and the technician thinks July 3ish will be her delivery date. So we have July 1-6th as an estimate. Gus and I are happy, and who knows maybe baby number 2 will be a boy!? I am so happy we found out the gender of our baby! I just want to keep it easy on the pink... I'm not against the color, but too much of a good thing is overkill.

As far as workouts, I am still trucking along here. I actually added another swim to my week on Wednesdays, and I keep everything else the same. I was actually involved in quite the hot debate this past week about women and lifting through their pregnancy on a strength training blog thread.  It was in response to a woman who was snatching in her 8th month. Here’s her YouTube video:
I can tell you that I don’t hit my belly when I snatch, I probably won’t be doing any serious lifting at 8 months, nor do I lift this much weight, but I do believe it is this woman’s choice to do it or not. Plus, there were people on this thread who were saying that ANY woman lifting at all while pregnant is a bad choice… Woah, woah, woah… Anyhow, I have cooled off from the debate because as my husband said, “How is some old man, who probably doesn’t even have a kid or ever had a wife that lifted, telling you that what you’re doing is wrong?” Good point, Gus. Obviously, our baby has priority here, but there is no problem with lifting yet and if it is then I will stop.

Total pregnancy weight gain 15lb (at least some of that is attributable to VDAY indulgence). Here’s a picture of me at (20 +? wks): 

My favorite picture is when she's sucking her thumb. Here are some pictures of our little baby girl, Sierra:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Vrrrooom Vrrrooom

February 8, 2013 (19 +? Weeks):

The excitement of the week is that we know our baby can hear us now. Maybe every word is not crystal clear, but the basic muffled sounds and tones.  I imagine that the baby was quite excited when we went to my Cousin Rikki’s house for the Super Bowl! They are big 49’ers fans (all of the guests were offered 49’ers gear to wear during the game, from their private collection). Visiting her and her family is always fun for Gus and I. They are so enthusiastic and very entertaining when it comes to watching them watch football!

I also busted out my swimsuit again to get back into the pool on Fridays. Fridays I get in at 7:30am and leave at 6pm, so I have some free time in the middle to walk over to the outdoor pool on campus. Plus, it is, after all, “one of the best ways to exercise for pregnant women.” It was funny stepping into my speedo, as I remembered the last time I was in it my belly was flat and my boobs were two cups smaller. I felt fully prego! It was fun doing laps, mixing up my routine. I just have to be careful with my flip-turns, which I take pretty slow right now.  All of my lifts and runs this week have went well and I am feeling pretty good on my exercise front as I approach my half-way mark on the pregnancy road.

Gus’ Dad and his wife Starr came to visit to say farewell, before they move out of the country permanently to South America. They came in to town on Wednesday late night and leave tomorrow morning, making one more stop in San Diego before they leave the country. We are buying their Kia for Kelly Blue Book price, and the good thing is we can actually trust that it’s in the condition they say it is! This purchase was something we have been putting off to save money, but with Baby on the way we need to have 2 vehicles. Their visit to see us is bitter-sweet.  On one hand, I am so excited that they are doing what they want and continuing down to a beautiful country that they are very excited about. On the other hand, I am also sad knowing that they won’t be able to be a part of our baby growing up, and that Gus, Lyn and I won’t be able to see them very often. Either way, it is nice to have them stay with us before they go, especially since we don’t know when we’ll get to see them again. 

Last night I started cooking as soon as I got in the door (a fabulous meal that I had been planning in my head all day). Lyn came over as well so it was a lovely, cozy family dinner with the 5 of us wrapped around our small 4-person dinner table. I made a great big ole salad with mixed greens, lettuce & carrots & apple from our farm-share box, cherry heirloom tomatoes, walnuts from the farmer's market, and raisins with lemon juice and tahini dressing. We also had roasted zucchini and  squash stripes under organic (on sale) ravioli with my homemade sauce I had made and frozen earlier in the week, a local free-range chicken (on sale for $1/lb), and 2 special desserts we split between the 5 of us. It always feels good to cook for guests (at least one night while they stay with us). Starr’s son and daughter-in-law took the day off from work today to drive over from San Fran to spend some more time with them before they leave. We will all be having an adios dinner this evening with Gus’ sis, Lyn, too.

I have had a 13.5 pound total pregnancy weight gain. I honestly look smaller in this picture than I did last week, but it must just be the angle because I am still pretty much the same size. Here is a picture of me at 19 (+?) weeks:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ultrasound Date Scheduled

February 1, 2013 (18 weeks +):

For me, this week has been quite exciting since Friday afternoon. That of course, is because I received the paperwork to schedule my ultrasound! I am scheduled for February 15 (20 wks +?). I will get to see Baby again soon! We will also find out the sex for sure.  Gus and I have BOTH felt baby move this week! Quickening is what it’s called in all of these prego books. Something else totally new for me was my first ever migraine, which I think is from all of the hormonal changes (but how should I know). I will never make fun of migraine commercials again.

 I am way more visible this week (or so it feels) and almost all the athletes have noticed in some way or another. The softball girls are definitely the most excited about it, out of all of my teams. I did have to remind my men’s soccer team that, yes; indeed I am pregnant and haven’t just put on some weight over break… It did make me laugh! I have been much more comfortable now with my baby bump, whether or not people know I am pregnant doesn’t really matter to me anymore. I do, however, like to wear clothes that actually show “the bump” because I think it looks better than wearing a shirt 3 times too big just to try to hide it (no thanks)!

On Sunday Gus and I met our friends Julia and Chris for a hike (Julia, Taj (their dog), me and Oso) and mountain bike ride (Chris and Gus). We spent the early afternoon together and got a late lunch. It is so nice to have some quality friends around that are so close. I met Julia and Chris when I was going to grad school and we have been friends ever since. They will be getting married this fall! After that, I got cleaned up and sported my maternity dress to the men’s soccer banquet. I realized that although I loved wearing my new apparel my jacket couldn’t button over my chest or stomach. Good thing it’s getting warmer out.  

I am still able to do my daily 3 mile jog with the doggies, plus some extra elliptical cardio that I do for warm-ups and cool-downs for my lifts (I just want some extra cardio in truthfully). I still lift 5 days/wk, but it has been ~2 weeks now since I have benched (no more lying on your back after week 16). I overhead press and do push-ups instead. I still Olympic lift (I decided that snatching and clean and jerks were still okay if I did it lighter). So my weight is up this week to a 12 pound total pregnancy gain, which I am totally fine with too. I am healthy, and if that means I am a few pounds over where I should be, I can deal with it.

Some more good news about the week: it looks like Gus will be bumping up from a “temporary employee” to a full-time employee at work (which means he has the same job, but will now have benefits). This ultimately means he will have more security with his position. Gus is happy about it and if he’s happy I am happy too. Another great thing we heard about this week is that our good friends, Ashley and Scott, will be moving to Monterey Bay next month! Now we’ll get to visit them more! It means so much, as we get older, to have good friends within driving distance. 

Gus and I also decided to have a non-traditional baby shower in late April (so his best friend Trevor and Esther, his girlfriend, can come too). First thing non-traditional is that we’re hosting it, it’s going to be a BBQ instead of a crazy, estrogen-fest, game-ridden-extravaganza, and it’s male/female. I think it sounds like a blast. Just the type of party we can get on board with! 

Me at 18 weeks: