Saturday, December 1, 2012

The New Norm

December 1, 2012:

It seems as if the new norm of my pregnancy life includes liters and liters of sparkling mountain water, with or without a splash of juice in it, some form of cracker on the daily, double sports bras, reading baby magazines and books multiple times daily, and just generally needing to sleep a lot more. All and all, my life seems to be bouncing back to this new norm and I finally feel like I'm adjusted to it. I am adjusting to what triggers my nausea, how to limit it, and what to do to when it actually happens. Also my exercise routine feels like a new norm as well. My lift and conditioning yesterday looked something like this: (Full Snatch 4 sets of 3, 4 sets of 1; Front Squat 5x5;  Bench Press 2x5, 1x3, 1x1, 1x3; Pull-ups 6x5; DB Bulgarians 2x6e; Bent Row 5x5; Good Mornings 4x8; KB Swings 3x8; additional core stabilization exercises planks etc. 20 minutes elliptical at moderate level; 30 minutes of mixed walking/jogging with the dogs on flat levy). It feels great to know that I can still do a lot of what I used to, just without over doing it. My doctor mentioned week 20 being the turning point for most of my exercise because my center of balance (center of mass) will have shifted dramatically. For now, without any real weight gain, I'm doing just fine. 

My husband has been amazing through all of these changes too, today I woke up to him washing the pots that were soaking from the dinner I had made the night before. Lately, I have been feeling guilty for not having the same pep to make as many dinners or wash the dishes around the house so I made sure that I pulled it together last night, and promised I would take care of the cleaning today. He told me, "Honey, it's okay, I really do understand. You're doing as much as you can and I am starting to get adjusted to doing more around the house, and being more aware of how you're feeling." Did he read this shit in a book somewhere, because this is music to my ears! I'm sure some women don't always have it as good, in terms of getting the man to understand how their wife/partner is feeling. 

Yesterday I got a picture message from my close girl friend as she was looking through a book store that relates to a similar topic. Hehehe! Thanks for the good laugh, Liz.

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