Friday, September 11, 2015

Another month for the record books

September 11, 2015

Another crazy month for us in the Wick family, in a good way of course! Sierra started tumbling up again which is actually during her nap time so it's not going to work out as we have seen :/ But it has been another activity for her. Toddler reading time has started at the library too which has been positive for us as well, as our kiddo interaction is limited. Eve is growing like a weed and is very verbal. She is very good at tummy time and seems to be very stimulated by books. Sierra goes back and forth with her ability to share, but in general is more conscientious of her sister, Baby Eve. She is more excited about Eve when she actually gets to tell someone else about her.

Eve is now wearing Sierra's old 6 month onesies from Auntie Lyn, even though she's not yet 3 months.
 The Sewell and Wicks got together over Labor Day weekend for a great time. We went to Millerton Lake and Joe brought many of us out on the boat. Sierra came out with me and she absolutely loved it. She was jamming to the hard rock music that was playing! I attempted wake boarding for the first time. Unfortunately I didn't stand up, but it is my hope that Joe has the patience to let me try again sometime! Tom on the other hand, got up with out a problem even after not doing it for some 10+ years.

 Sierra loved playing with the girls in the water. It is nice that she has some cousins to play with.

 When Auntie was in town we got out for a walk in the smoky air... the air quality has been horrible from the Rough Fire lately... we're all hoping for rain. The smoke just seems to sit stagnant. Many days we all wake up with head aches. Our exercise is taking a hit from it.
 I love my two beautiful girls... I always remind myself how lucky I am.

 We have gotten out with our local friends to explore the fine cuisine of Prather... Pizza Factory! Our friends have a 5 year old and an almost 3 year old that Sierra loves to play with.
 Sometimes Sierra insists on Baby Eve sitting in HER chair, so she does... before she slides off I always readjust her to placate Sierra's demands!

 Yes, we do watch TV, and I no longer feel guilty about it :)

 We have taken many trips up to Shaver Lake this year, and it is always a hit for Sierra... she builds in the sand and splashes in the shallow water. Now that Eve is older she can handle the heat a bit better.
 This was one smokey day we went up when Auntie Crystal was visiting. We dog sat for her for 2 weeks, and were able to see both her and Onkar multiple times this month.
 We visited Auntie Lyn in Davis, and saw some of our good friends and their kiddos too. Unfortunately my visit was brought on by two recent deaths of a friend and a colleague. I was able to see my old colleagues one night and the parents and brother of my friend the other day. It helped me mourn, but it was also very nice to be with Auntie and see our old friends.

 We found Sierra and Eve's footprints from their birth days, and although they are both of similar heights and weights for their ages as they grow (99%) Sierra had strikingly larger feet and hands when she was born.

 My dad came to visit for a few days, which is always a blast for our whole family.
 My dad hung out with Eve in the shade when we went up to Shaver, as Sierra had met a friend by the shore and Gus and I were going back and forth to check on her.

It was a full and complete month; having Great Grandma downstairs has added more excitement and family fun to the mix. We see Grammy whenever she stops over to help with Great Grandma, and we all (especially Sierra) sure do appreciate that. I have started weight training again, and before the smoke got really bad I biked and jogged several times and our little family hiked down to the San Jauquin River.