August 13, 2015
Sierra's 25 months and Eve is just shy of 2 months.
Eve is rolling over now (she also has many rolls) and attempting to talk to us with her baby sounds. They are the sweetest noises I have ever heard! She has just about outgrown her basinet and is almost fully outgrown her 3 month onesies... It's sad how quickly they grow, but it's also good to see her thriving.
Sierra is a ball of energy and commands as is the usual. Her verbal capabilities are amazing and we don't just say that because she's our daughter. She is on par with almost every 3 year old I've met. She really loves language. I guess reading all of those books to her has paid off. It also helps her communicate her feelings much better, which is helpful to break her from a tantrum. She has learned how to be more gentle with Eve but i don't completely trust her alone with Eve just yet (especially after I found Sierra laying on top of her after I left the room briefly this week). Sierra has become a great swimmer with her life vest. She can kick and paddle enough to keep her head up on her own without assistance now. She does take a dunk every once in awhile so we still have to keep our eye on her, but I am so proud of her!
I have made Mom friends here now, and we get our kids together regularly. It is really nice! I have one friend that I have been running/walking/watching the kids with. It's really nice for me to have a mom friend who can appreciate fitness too. I actually have 2 training clients now too, which is very nice!
I have gone for one road ride, two mountain bike rides and several runs and walks now. I started exercise at 4 weeks out and have played it all by ear since then. I'm glad I have been getting out there and doing it! Most times I have planned around when one or both kids are sleeping to ease the burden, but Gus has also been an amazing support person for me to make it happen.
My dad is in town for a few days and I couldn't be happier to have him here again. The girls are both happy to see Pop-pop!
Great Grandma moved into her finished downstairs apartment last week. We had her over upstairs for a family meal and we brought dinner to her at her place too. They were quite the family dinners too since Auntie was in town too.
Eve is getting bigger every day and looks quite a bit like sister when she was young.
Grandpa Jer Bear is enjoying having two granddaughters next door.Eve, Sierra, and I spend many mornings in the bed waking up together.
We went to the local farmer's market in Prather and in Fresno.
We walk around the common acreage of neighborhood quite often! Sierra's little playland.
We still enjoy our art area outside mostly in the mornings before it gets too hot.
We went on a family camping trip to Mono Hot Springs, and also revisited China Peak (for the anniversary of our wedding ceremony).
The gymnastics sessions we went to for the month of July ran out, but more should start in September (Sierra loved it).
There have been a lot of forest fires this summer!
To celebrate the last day of the tour, Anne had a French themed brunch while we watched the biking action! It was AMAZING!
We have been using Grammy's and Grandpa's spa as a pool for Sierra which is a huge hit for her.
Auntie Crystal visited for a few days between her crazy Emergency Medicine shifts in LA. It was so nice to see her again. We all love having her and her dog. Next time we hope Uncle can come too.
We're all really starting to make the adjustment now to all of the changes in our lives, and finally feeling like we can get into a rhythm with things.