I guess it's normal to feel like you can barely remember what you did in the last month. There have been a lot of changes lately in my body and to our lives in general. Most recently, my dad (Pop Pop) came to town to cover the River Cats and hang out with us. One great perk to his job is that he covers the California leagues, and gets to see us more frequently. We grabbed some food downtown with him and strolled around downtown afterwards (in search of my favorite pregnancy treat: frozen yogurt). Sierra demanded that Gus sit down on the bench.
We went on a little nature walk in the morning by Putah Creek.
Sierra loves to put on our shoes and walk around in them. I am often surprised that she puts them on the right feet. She still has a little runny nose from a cold her and I both had for a week and a half.
We were invited to a birthday party/egg hunt a few weekends ago. Sierra enjoyed the ball pit, cupcakes and the water beads more than she enjoyed "hunting" for eggs.
Gus and I took a few 3 day weekends and went down to visit Grammy, Grandpa Jer Bear, and Great Grams this month. Great Grandma turned 88 and she even had a good friend from Washington visit to wish her a happy birthday. Jerry spent some quality effort to make a "9 hole" golf course, which we played on several times.
Here I am around 30 weeks, and I have only gotten bigger since then! Third trimester has been pretty rough on me. Acid reflux was really rough for a while.
Getting out around the neighborhood with Grammy, Jer Bear, and Daddy. Sierra made sure she was protected from the sun before going outside (she only actually wore this hat for about 5 minutes).
This doll is actually Grammy's doll from when she was a kid.
Sierra did not want to ride on the lawn mower with Grandpa. It was too loud for her so she just hung out with Grammy.
We got out for some walks in the morning before work in the beginning of the month.
Sierra enjoyed her St.Patrick's Day treat.
She really enjoys trying to use silver wear; we just put her on the tile floor to test her skills (minimizing the mess).
We met up with Sophia and Arianna to pick strawberries earlier this month too.
Sierra surprises us on a daily basis. We truly enjoy spending our time together with her as a family unit. She has such a large vocabulary and her ability to associate words with their meanings is very keen. She runs around just about everywhere when we're outside. She knows most of the ABC song and can count to ten. It's amazing to watch her develop, and this time in her life seems to go by so quickly. We started her at a new daycare this month so she could be around more kids her age, and have a more interactive schedule. At first it was quite difficult, but now she seems pretty happy to be there. It was emotional for the first week when she would cry and call for me on the other side of the door, but now I can actually say good bye to her without any problem.
I just hit the 20 pound weight gain for baby Eve. I am guessing I will be about 28 pounds heavier at the end of pregnancy 2 which is 8 pounds less than Sierra (but I did start heavier this time around). I lift 3 days a week still, and attempt "cardio" at least 3 days a week. The cardio is not very intensive and usually only lasts about 30 minutes, but I'm still trying. Other aspects of our lives are very busy as well, but we'll get to that more next month!