Okay, so it's not really heart palpitations. I am just really excited. Gus and I have our first "real" prenatal visit together today! From what I've been reading this is the day that we can hear the heart beat of our new baby. It's like Gus is getting introduced to him/her for the first time. My appointment is at 2:30pm and Gus took a half-day, while I biked and bussed into work this morning. He will be picking me up at 2pm, and I'm getting pretty excited.
He is super punctual, right at 2pm on the dot! What do I see on the passenger seat??? GOLDFISH... I swear the man is too sweet. I didn't even ask for them. We are chatting on the way over, about the doctor, about what we read in the books last night about the first visit. My best friend sent us 2 books (Ina May and Mayo's Clinic) we also have 4 others from a colleague (What to Expect When You're Expecting, The Expectant Father, Your Pregnancy Week by Week, and one other book with beautiful pictures of the weekly changes of development). So we're talking about what we both had learned the previous night, getting ourselves prepared.
I have to pee as we walk in the door, so I ask to leave my sample early. Of course, they say. Thankfully for me! Next, we have more forms to fill out, different from the last time though. We're called in shortly after completing everything. Blood pressure, weight... I gained 4 pounds (but I SWEAR I was dehydrated the first time I came in and this whole pregnancy thing has me retaining something much heavier than water. The doctor later suggests more water and prunes to cure that). Anyhow, I am not too worried about the weight gain, because I weigh myself 3 times weekly, and I am still weighing in my normal 5 pound range (just at the upper end of my normal end).
Next off, we talk to our wonderful doctor who was actually born in South Africa and has been in the business for many years now. We go through the whole yearly pap smear breast exam etc, and now Gus knows what us women go through for one of these. More importantly, now we get down to the ultrasound. Hooray! There's white and then black and then BABY!!! The head is big, the little arm buds and feet buds are so cute. Holy crap, Gus and I are giggling as the doctor points out the little heart beating super fast. Gus asks, "How fast is it beating?" The doctor looks at his watch, waits a minute and then responds 164 beats per minute. Perfect, as Gus and I knew from our previous night's reading. We also found out the "gold-standard" age of the baby and the expecting date. On November 27 our baby is 8 weeks and 4 days, and we are planning on delivery around July 5, 2013.
The doctor also made a funny joke, it looks like a little Pillsbury doughboy!!! Hahaha. It does a bit, if you think of the head as a little hat, and those little arm buds sticking out.
Gus also took part in documenting my growing belly... So I asked him to take a picture of me the following night. It seems like everyone wants to see me grow! How funny. Here I am at 8 weeks and 5 days (I have a little tiny bump).